Search Results
The 7 Activist Uses of Digital Tech: the Case of Popular Resistance in Egypt (webinar)
Mary Joyce - Civil Resistance 2.0: Digital Enhancements to the 198 Nonviolent Methods
Working for Democracy in Egypt
The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism in the Arab World: Surveillance, Censorship, and Disinformation
From Facebook to Streetbook: Egypt's Nonviolent Uprising - Sherif Mansour (Webinar)
'Backfire' and Security Divisions - Dr. Lee A. Smithey and James Greene (FSI 2011)
Panel 2: Authoritarian Abuses of Internet Technologies
Palestinian Popular Resistance [1/2]
Nadine Bloch -The Arts of Protest: Creative Cultural Resistance (webinar)
Nonviolent Tactics - Celebrating Michael Beer's new book & database, Jamila Raqib, Véronique Dudouet
Technology, human rights & movement building around the world
Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics: Why Objects Matter in Protest, Revolution and Resistance